STEMP at United Nations Green Fair 2018 - by Binson Shrestha

Binson Shrestha at UN green fair 2018 At the UN green fair, our purpose was to advocate for hemp and its numerous benefits. We were there ...

Four hemp products for summer

Summer is peaking and it's hot outside. Are you ready to go out and enjoy the sun? We have listed four essentials below to help you ...

10 Reasons To Love Hemp

10 Reasons To Love Hemp
1. Hemp fabric is in use since the stone ages. Hemp fiber imprints are found in 10,000-year-old Chinese pottery shards. Also, during the 19th centu...

What is happening to hemp legalization?

In 2000 a report by USDA stated that there wasn't any difference in physical appearance between hemp and marijuana. This is one of the main reason ...

Why hemp is not Marijuana?

Different chemical composition: thc chemical structure Both hemp and marijuana belong to Cannabis Sativa family and look the sa...